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An immersive and evocative visual experience that embraces the entire panorama.

location pin iconA 360-degree panoramic viewpoint offers a complete view of the surrounding environment.

house pin iconVacation homes and apartments ideal for a welcoming and authentic experience.

sun lounger iconA wild, remote & unspoiled beach with untouched natural landscapes and a calm atmosphere.

website click iconThe page that is dedicated to relevant and useful information to the community.

map iconThe map or a place for surrounding tourist areas or routes to nearby attractions.

alarms notification iconDining places of the area that offer a variety of culinary delights.

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Choose your favorite place or a new one to discover and enjoy the best panoramic views.

San Teodoro Budoni Posada La Caletta Santa Lucia Capo Comino Isola Rossa Berchida Biderosa Golfo Orosei Cala Gonone Sardegna trail
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Entrance and regulations:

Entrance limits: Daily access limited to 120 cars and 30 motorcycles to preserve the ecosystem. No limit for bicycles and pedestrians.

Main rules:

Fire iconIt is forbidden to light fires or use naked flames.

Speed iconModerate your speed to 20 km/h and respect pedestrians and cyclists.

Trash iconDo not abandon waste, damage plants or remove sand and stones.

Parking iconParking is allowed only in designated areas.

The Biderosa Oasis is a place to live with respect and love for nature, a small corner of paradise that deserves to be preserved for future generations.

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